Saving Space by Deleting Old Data Files
You can save disk space by keeping data files generated by Squore only for the last baseline version. This behaviour is enabled by default and can be overridden either by using a setting in your <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml, or by changing the behaviour for each project. This can be useful when you want to debug the analysis data later.
In order to save all data files for all versions by default for every project, open <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml and
element as shown below:<projects directory="/path/to/data/folder"> <data-providers keep-data-files="true"/> </projects>
The behaviour is applied after a server restart, and the old files are deleted when a new version is created.
In order to override the behaviour for a particular project in the web interface, check or uncheck the Keep old versions data files box when creating a new version of the project or when managing the project.
In order to override the behaviour for a particular project from the command line, use the parameter keepDataFiles=true|false when creating a new version of the project.