Squore Toolkit
Groovy Toolkit
When writing Data Providers in Groovy language, the toolkit can help you generate the input-data.xml file and/or retrieve references to artifacts.
This section will help you get started with the Groovy toolkit, by describing first steps and common use cases. When using the toolkit, the below workflow must be followed:
Initializing the toolkit
Processing the data, creating artefacts, metrics and such
Generating the input-data.xml file
You can find the list of available methods and classes for the Groovy toolkit in the Groovydoc documentation. |
In order to use the Groovy toolkit, your exec
element must use the java language.
As an example, here is a sample exec-phase
to get you started:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags needSources="false" image="JUnit.png">
<tag type="directory" required="true" key="resultDir" />
<tag type="text" required="true" key="filePattern" defaultValue="TEST-*.xml" />
<tag type="text" required="true" key="root" defaultValue="tests[type=TEST_FOLDER]/junit[type=TEST_FOLDER]" />
<exec-phase id="add-data">
<exec name="java">
<arg value="${javaClasspath(groovy)}"/>
<arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
<arg value="${getToolConfigDir(junit.groovy)}" />
<arg tag="resultDir" />
<arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
<arg value="${squanOutputDirectory}" />
<arg tag="root" />
<arg tag="filePattern" />
Below is the Groovy file associated to the form.xml file. Where you can find the descriptions of toolkit operations in the comments:
package tools
import com.squoring.squore.groovy.dp.utils.AbstractDPEngine
import com.squoring.squore.groovy.toolkit.bean.Artifact
class JUnit {
static void main(String[] args) {
println("Start of JUnit process")
def xmlRegex = args.size() == 5 ? args[4] : "*.xml\$"
//Initializing the toolkit via initDPContext method of the AbstractDPEngine toolkit class
new JUnitEngine(args[3]).initDPContext(args[0], args[1], args[2], xmlRegex).generateResult();
println("End of JUnit process")
//Extending toolkit class AbstractDPEngine to have access to its methods and attributes
class JUnitEngine extends AbstractDPEngine {
String rootPath
Artifact junitRootArt
JUnitEngine(rootPath) {
this.rootPath = rootPath
void generateResult() {
//Retrieving root parent artefact under which all created artefact will be attached
junitRootArt = getRootParent(toolkitEngine.rootArtifact, rootPath)
//Processing files for artefact and metrics creation
filesToBeParsed.each {
println("Processing for file ${it}")
def xmlMap = getXmlMapData(it, "testsuite")
def xmlMapFiles = xmlMap?.get('testsuite')
if (xmlMapFiles != null && !xmlMapFiles.isEmpty()) {
xmlMapFiles.each {
def testCases = it.testcase
if (testCases instanceof List) {
testCases.each { tC ->
} else {
if (testCases) {
//Generating final input-data.xml file
def addMetrics(line) {
Artifact rootArtFolder
def testClassName = line.classname
def testVariantName
def variantMatcher = (testClassName =~ '(.*)\\((.*)\\)')
//Creating artefact
def art = rootArtFolder.makeArtifact(line.name, "UNIT_TEST")
def className = testClassName.replaceAll('Test(\\(.*\\))?$', '')
//Searching for existing artefact by its class name
def artClass = rootArtifact.getByClassName(className)
if (artClass) {
artClass.addLinkToByArt('TESTED', art)
} else {
rootArtifact.addLinkToByArt('TESTED', art)
def leaftArt
if (testVariantName) {
//Creating artefact
leaftArt = art.makeArtifact(line.name + " (" + testVariantName + ")", "TEST_EXECUTION")
leaftArt.putInfo("VARIANT", testVariantName)
addVariant(testVariantName, leaftArt)
} else {
leaftArt = art
//Adding metric to artefact
leaftArt.putMetric("EXECUTION_TIME", Double.valueOf(line.time.replaceAll(',', '')) * 1000)
//Adding metric to artefact
if (line.failure != null) {
leaftArt.putMetric("STATUS", 2)
} else if (line.error != null || line.skipped != null) {
leaftArt.putMetric("STATUS", 1)
} else {
leaftArt.putMetric("STATUS", 0)
def addVariant(variantName, targetArt) {
//Creating artefact under root parent artefact
Artifact variantRootArt = getRootParent(toolkitEngine.rootArtifact, rootPath).makeArtifact("variants", "VARIANT_FOLDER")
def getArtFolder(artParent, className) {
def classNameSplit = className.split('\\.(?![^(]*\\))')
def firsElement = classNameSplit.first()
//Searching for artefacts by type
def artFound = artParent.findByArtifactType("TEST_FOLDER", false).find {
it.name == firsElement
if (artFound == null) {
//Creating artefact under artParent
artFound = artParent.makeArtifact(firsElement, "TEST_FOLDER")
if (classNameSplit.size() > 1) {
def newRootPath = classNameSplit[1..<classNameSplit.size()].join(".")
def artChildTmp = getArtFolder(artFound, newRootPath)
artFound = artChildTmp
return artFound
In this use case, toolkit functions like makeArtifact, findByArtifactType, putMetric, generateFinalInputFile and others are used.
You can find the list of available methods and classes for the Groovy toolkit in the Groovydoc documentation. |
TCL Toolkit
The TCL toolkit is deprecated, please consider using the Groovy Toolkit. |
If you want your Data Provider to use the Squore toolkit to retrieve references to artefacts, the following variables are available (in the add-data and repo-add-data phases only):
${tclToolkitDirectory}: the directory of the toolkit tcl code to execute
${squanOutputDirectory}: the directory of containing the results of the execution of Squore Analyzer
In order to use the toolkit, your exec
must use the tcl language.
As an example, here is a sample exec-phase
and associated tcl file to get you started:
<!-- form.xml -->
<exec-phase id="repo-add-data">
<exec name="tcl">
<arg value="${getAddonsFile(repo-add-data.tcl)}" />
<arg value="${tclToolkitFile}" />
<arg value="${squanOutputDirectory}" />
<arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
<arg tag="xxx" />
set toolkitFile [lindex $argv 0]
set sqOutputDir [lindex $argv 1]
set outputDir [lindex $argv 2]
set xxx [lindex $argv 3]
# Initialise the toolkit
puts "Initializing toolkit"
source $toolkitFile
toolkit::initialize $sqOutputDir $outputDir
# Execute your code
puts "Main execution"
# yout code here
# ...
# Generate xml files (artefacts)
puts "Generating xml files"
toolkit::generate $outputDir {artefacts}