Application Usage Statistics
As a Squore administrator, you may need to keep track of the usage of the platform and report on its overall performance. This information is now available directly within Squore via Administration > Statistics. If you are also a model developer or a project manager and wish to fine-tune the layout of your dashboards, you will find more statistical data about how users consult analysis results via Models > Statistics and the Manage Project page. This section describes the information you can access from these pages. Note that statistics are collected locally, saved in the Squore database, and never sent anywhere. Statistics collection cannot be turned off. Viewing the statistics collected on the server is subject to license.
Before you can view statistics on these pages, a date range must be selected in order to display information about the activity on the server during this period. You can also select whether the information is aggregated by day, week, month or year by adjusting the granularity setting. |
Statistics for administrators
The application usage statistics are broken down into five sections where you can view information about users, projects, hardware resources, pages response time and dashboard usage.
The Users tab displays the following information:
Global statistics about user accounts for this Squore Server installation
Information about current web users during the selected period
A series of charts containing information about the number of users, new users and overall connections to the server during the selected period
A table detailing session information per user
A table displaying session duration statistics
The Projects tab displays information about the number of projects viewed. You can get overall numbers of visits for all the projects on the server, or select specific projects to compare their number of views. The data is rendered as:
A chart showing a trend of the total number of projects viewed for the selected reporting period
A chart where you can consult detailed view statistics about the projects of your choice. You can click on a project name to show or hide it from the chart.
Information about the number of sessions per project during the selected period
The Resources tab helps administrators in monitoring the memory and disk consumption and the performance of the application.
Memory Consumption vs. Users: displays a history of the amount of memory used by the java process running the application and a line indicating the number of users who logged in during the selected period.
Database Size vs Average Load Time: displays a history of the size of the database on disk. Trend lines displaying the average page or tab load times can be displayed on the chart.
The Pages tab, shows statistics about page views and load times in tabular form and graphical form. The table automatically highlights the best result in green and the worst result in red.
The Dashboard tab allows analysing the usage of each tab on the dashboard. Each tab is represented in a treemap according to how many views it receives. This information can be used to adjust the default display status of each tab or their availability to end users.
Statistics for model developers
You can learn more about the usage of particular features of a model by clicking Models > Statistics. For each analysis model, find out how many users consult results, which projects are the most popular and which regions and charts of the dashboard are the most useful for users.
The Users tab displays the information about the number of users and overall connections to the server for projects in this analysis model.
On the Projects tab, you can check how many projects had visitors over the selected period.
The Dashboard tab allows analysing the usage of each tab on the dashboard. Each tab is represented in a treemap according to how many views it receives. This information can be used to adjust the default display status of each tab or their availability to end users.
The Charts tab provides information about chart usage in your model: The number of views per chart (per artefact type or for all artefact types), the average loading time and the number of comments.
Statistics for project managers
As a project manager, you can use project statistics to investigate the popularity of your project by going to Manage project > Statistics.
When you select a reporting period, the following information is displayed:
The trend of the number of views for this project uses the colours from the scale of the root indicator as background to help you correlate the project rating with the number of visits.
The treemap helps you understand which of the dashboard tabs is the most visited for this project.
A table summarises the breakdown of views per user, as well as the number of comments left by each user.