Requirement Test Coverage
This indicator allows to track the requirements test coverage. A requirement is "covered" if the 2 following conditions are true:
There is at least one test which is linked (imported via the ".vtc-tso")
All the linked tests have a successful verdict
Requirement Scope
Target the requirements which are in line with your current test execution plan.
The "out of the scope" definition could be defined during project creation.
Main Requirements Metrics
Total Requirements: Raw import from ALM tools
Requirements "To Test" = Requirements which are taken into account for Rating System
Requirements "With Tests" = Requirements which are linked to at least 1 test
Requirement "Test Coverage" = Percent of Passed Tests linked to each Requirement
Setting Up the "To Test" Attribute for a Requirement
Reduce the scope of the requirements to rate in order to focus only on the requirements that matters in regard to the current state of the development/analysis.
How to Set?
There are different ways to define the requirements "To Test"
"All applicable": basically all requirements are in the "To Test" focus
"IADT": only requirement with IADT attribute define to "TEST" are in the focus
"With Test": Any requirement which is linked to a test is integrated in the "To Test" focus.
"With Executed Test": Any requirement which is linked to an executed test is part of the "To Test" focus.
"External Definition": Planned Requirements list is provided to Squore (=list is a subset of the vti-tso export from ALM tool)
Visualizing Requirements Covered via Test User Overload
A test execution imported as "failed" can be manually overloaded by the end user. This allows to change the behavior of the rating system, turning red into light green.
The overload mechanism is fully integrated in the workflow review. The user can change the test verdict but:
He has to provide a justification message
All justifications can be exported to ALM environment