Data Provider Settings
The Software Analytics model computes and displays KPIs and charts based on data you provide when building a project. It is not mandatory to provide data for all the KPIs supported by the model, as the KPIs anc charts for which data is missing are automatically turned off.
Note that the Squore’s source code parser generates all the data necessary for the source code metrics and KPI. As a result, the only Data Provider required for analyzing source code is Squore Analyzer data provider.
Metrics, Information and Links to provide to Software Analytics
The following section lists the input data required to analyze tests, test executions, requirements and tickets in Software Analytics.
Metrics and Info in bold are important for the rating model. Building a project in Squore without this information may lead to inconsistent rating results. However, the Software Analytics model handles such inconsistencies and set the KPI to "OFF" or "N/A" and the KPI is simply ignored in the rating model.
In the following sample, all greyed KPI are not taken into account in the rating of the project.
Test Executions
TEST_PLANNED: this metric helps to define which test are planned to be executed.
TEST_LIFECYCLE_STATUS: this metric helps to aggregate test status.
STATUS: Used for the test verdict computation. Careful: this metric is not useful if project contains Test Executions.
TESTCASEID: Unique ID of the test case
LIFECYCLE_STATUS: Information which helps to view/sort test objects according the status (draft, in progress, accepted…).
IMPORTED_FROM_TRACEABILITY_MATRIX: Information which helps to view/sort test objects imported from traceability matrix.
TEST_UNIT: Information which helps to view/sort test objects per Test Unit.
REQ_STATUS: this metric helps to define the aggregated status of the requirement ("Out of Scope": 0, "Accepted": 1, "In progress": 2)
REQ_IADT: this metric helps to assess the validation method for requirement ("Inspection": 0, "Analysis": 1, "Demonstration": 2, "Test": 3)
UNDER_TEST: this metric defines if the requirement must be tested.
REQ_PRIORITY: this metric helps to distribute requirement according priority ("Very High": 0, "High": 1, "Medium": 2, "Low": 3).
REQ_ASSIGNED: this metric helps to define which test are planned to be executed.
CREATION_DATE: Creation date of the requirement.
LAST_UPDATED: Last update of the requirement (useful for stability computation)
CRITICAL_FACTOR: Safety Level of the requirement, useful for safety distribution ("None, QM": 0, "ASIL A": 1, "ASIL B": 2, "ASIL C": 3, "ASIL D": 4)
ID: ID of the requirement
READABLE_ID: Readable ID of the requirement.
NAME: Name of the requirement
URL: URL of the requirement (link to Requirement management tool)
VERSION: Version of the requirement
DESCRIPTION: Description of the requirement
STATUS: raw status of the requirement
VERIFICATION_METHOD: Verification method of the requirement (Test, Demo, Review…)
ENHANCEMENT: This metrics is important for KPI (if true, value is 1)
DEFECT: This metrics is important for KPI (if true, value is 1)
OTHER_TYPE: This metrics is important for KPI (if ticket is not "Defect" or "Enhancement" then value for OTHER_TYPE is 1)
OPEN: Important for the closure KPI (if true, value is 1)
R_D_PROGRESS: Important for the aggregated status KPI (if ticket is currently in charge by R&D, value is 1)
V_V_PROGRESS: Important for the aggregated status KPI (if ticket is currently in validation/verification, value is 1)
CLOSE: Important for the closure KPI (if true, value is 1)
ID: ID of the ticket
TITLE: Title/Summary of the ticket
CATEGORY: Category of the ticket (used in graphs)
URL: URL of the ticket (link to Ticket management tool)
TYPE: The ticket type
REPORTER: Reporter/Creator of the tickets. Used in graphs
HANDLER: Handler/Assignee of the tickets. Used in graphs
STATUS: Raw status of the ticket