Advanced Configuration
Defining server dependencies
If your Squore Server is on Linux and your Squore Agent is installed on Windows, the Squore Agent will not be able to download Perl and TCL libraries from Squore Server.
To overcome this limitation, you can define a dependencies folder in Squore Server config.xml file, as follows :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
<workspace directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/squore-data/workspace" />
<dependencies directory="/path/to/folder/dependencies"/>
This folder must contain the Perl and TCL Windows packages for Squore, which you can download from Vector web site:
If you do not have access to Squore Server, you can always download the packages and extract them on the Squore Agent machine. And then define the executables path in the config.xml file of Squore Agent. See the Adding config.xml file section. |
Adding config.xml file
An optional config.xml file can be defined in the Squore Agent workspace folder, to define your own Perl or TCL paths, and data folders.
Below is an example of a full config.xml file with parameters default values for Windows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="client" version="2.0">
<path name="perl.dir" path="<SQUORE_HOME>\tools\perl"/>
<path name="tclsh.dir" path="<SQUORE_HOME>\tools\tclsh"/>
<path name="squore.path.svn" path="D:\Apps\svn\svn.exe"/>
<tmp directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/temp"/>
<projects directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/projects"/>
<sources directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/temp/sources"/>
On Linux environments, only the Perl and TCL paths are different. Default values are the standard executables folders. |
Using Java system properties
Using java system properties to specify the paths to the tmp, projects and sources folders is useful if you want the Squore Agent installation to work for several users.
See the following example :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="client" version="2.0">
<tmp directory="${}/squore-${}"/>
<projects directory="${user.home}/.squore/projects"/>
<sources directory="${}/sources"/>
Java system properties correspondence :
Setting up HTTPS
If HTTPS redirection is set up on your Squore server then the HTTPS URL must be used in the command line.
For Java to be able to trust and certify the connection with the server, you also need to add the SSL/TLS certificate in the Java truststore of the client machine hosting Squore Agent.
Java default truststore is a cacert file located in the java.home/lib/security directory. Where java.home is the runtime environment’s directory.
The default password of Java default truststore is changeit. |
Refer to the Import a certificate section to know how to import the certificate in the truststore.