Starting/Stopping Squore
If you installed Squore as a Windows service, you can start and stop Squore from the Windows Services Manager console.
Open the Services Manager console:
Either from the Control Panel, in the System and Security > Windows Tools section, then Services.
Or by typing "services" in the Windows start bar (), then Run as administrator.
Find the Squore service and select the start or stop command
If you did not install Squore as a Windows service, you can use the start and stop scripts in <SQUORE_HOME>\bin folder:
start-db.bat starts the database.
start.bat starts the database and the web server.
stop-db.bat stops the database.
stop.bat stops the database and the web server.
Using the start and stop scripts will fall back to using the service if Squore was installed as a Windows service. |
Go to Squore bin directory:
cd <SQUORE_HOME>/bin
Use the sqctl launcher to start and stop Squore:
./sqctl start|stop|restart|status
If you need to start the database only, use
./sqctl start|stop|restart|status postgresql
First Login
After starting Squore, you can access the login page by typing the following address in a web browser: http://localhost:8180
Squore ships with two built-in users that you can use to log in:
For more information about what to try out next in Squore, consult our Getting Started Guide.