Configuring Working Folders
Adding Addons or Configuration folder
In order to add a custom addons or configuration folder, simply add a path element in the configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
<path directory="C:\MyModels\configuration"/>
<path directory="C:\Vector\Squore\squore-server\configuration"/>
<path directory="C:\MyModels\addons"/>
<path directory="C:\Vector\Squore\squore-server\addons"/>
<tmp directory="C:\Vector\Squore\squore-data\temp"/>
<projects directory="C:\Vector\Squore\squore-data\projects"/>
<workspace directory="C:\Vector\Squore\squore-data\workspace"/>
By adding your own custom configuration and addons folder on top of the standard configuration, you ensure that the modifications you make override the definitions from the standard configuration and are not overwritten when upgrading your Squore version.
The workspace folder (which contains modifications to the configuration made via the web interface) always takes precedence over the configuration folders when loading the configuration. |
Changing Sources folder
Inside of Squore’s tmp folder is a folder called sources which is used to store source code that users are viewing in the web interface, and to store source code uploaded in zip files for analyses.
You can move it outside the tmp folder by editing your <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
<tmp directory="..."/>
<project directory="..."/>
<sources directory="..."/>
<workspace directory="..."/>
By adding a sources
element, you can specify a directory
where source files are stored.
When contained in tmp folder, content of sources folder is deleted whenever Squore Server is restarted. When located outside tmp folder, content of sources folder is never deleted.
Additional tailoring can be done for each Repository Connector using the deleteTmpSrc attribute. For more information refer to Repository Connector Configuration section. |
Adding user specific temporary folder
When several users run analyses using the command line on the server machine, Squore uses temporary tmp, sources and data folders for each user. By default, they are located in "<SQUORE_HOME>/data/temp" and "<SQUORE_HOME>/data/projects".
If needed, these paths can be overridden by adding a client
node in the server configuration file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
<!-- java system properties are supported under the client node only -->
<tmp directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/temp"/>
<projects directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/projects"/>
<sources directory="<SQUORE_HOME>/data/temp/sources"/>
<tmp directory="..."/>
<projects directory="..."/>
<workspace directory="..."/>
As stated in the example, java system properties are supported in this section of <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml.
All three elements are optional, and their default value if missing are the ones described in the XML snippet above. |