Building Your Own Model
Bundle files
A model is a collection of several Bundle.xml files where your entire model is described. A model folder normally contains the following bundles:
MyModel/Analysis/Bundle.xml, where artefact types, metrics, indicators and rules are defined
MyModel/Dashboard/Bundle.xml, where the charts displayed in the web interface are defined
MyModel/Decision/Bundle.xml, where you define the action items for your model
MyModel/Description/Bundle.xml, where you translate all the elements of your model into several languages
MyModel/Exports/Bundle.xml, where you define the type of information that users can export from the web UI
MyModel/Highlights/Bundle.xml, where the different types of highlight categories are defined
MyModel/Properties/Bundle.xml, where optional properties about your model are defined
MyModel/Reports/Bundle.xml, where you define the type of reports that can be created from the web UI
MyModel/Wizards/Bundle.xml, where you define the parameters to be used when creating a project with your model
More information about each type of bundle is available in this manual. Note that a Bundle.xml file normally includes external files located elsewhere in the standard Squore configuration. This allows reusing modules between models.
The following is an (incomplete) example of a Bundle.xml file for an analysis model.
It includes other files from the Squore configuration.
Note that the xmlns:xi
declaration in the Bundle
element is mandatory if you want to include external files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bundle xmlns:xi="" >
<!-- Additional Artefact types and aliases Aliases -->
<!-- Local definitions to override other files or not defined in other files -->
<RootIndicator indicatorId="ANALYTICS" artefactTypes="MY_ARTEFACT_TYPE" />
<Measure measureId="ANALYTICS">
<Computation targetArtefactTypes="MY_ARTEFACT_TYPE" result="..." />
<!-- Import of base metrics + Ruleset from Shared folder -->
<xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/all_17.xml" /> <!-- mandatory if you are using source code in your model -->
<xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/pylint/ruleset.xml" />
<!-- Basic Scales -->
<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/basic_scale_macros.xml" />
<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/basic_scales.xml" />
<!-- Some Classical Base and Derived Measures -->
<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/cloning/all_7levels_17.xml" />
<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/self_descriptiveness/main_17.xml" />
<!-- Rule Checking -->
<xi:include href="issues_counting.xml" />
<xi:include href="issues_weighted_kpi.xml" />
<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/square25010/counting_by_severity.xml" />
<!-- Tickets from my model folder -->
<xi:include href="ticket/metrics.xml" />
All paths in a Bundle.xml are relative to Bundle.xml. |
The bundle file is an XML file, which means that you must respect the XML syntax, otherwise Squore will not be able to read it. This means for example that the following characters are forbidden, and must be replaced by their corresponding entity reference:
To learn more about entities, visit |
Properties files
In order to provide a simple way to display dashboards in multiple languages in the Squore web interface, all strings have been externalised to .properties files
. A .properties file contains translations for all the metrics, rules, action items, charts and other objects described in your model. A model contains a Bundle.xml that lists all the .properties files that need to be loaded for this model.
In your description bundle, include a .properties file by adding a Properties
Squore will select the appropriate display language for this model according to the language options defined in the available
and default
attributes, as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bundle available="fr,en" default="en">
<Properties src="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/descriptions" />
In the example above, it is assumed that two files exist with the names Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/ and Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/, since you declared both languages in the available
Users are free to switch between the English and French languages using the flag icons in the Squore web interface.
By default, Squore will display the descriptions from, since you set the default language to "en" using the default
Properties files are simple text files containing key-value pairs to associate text to a property of an element of your model.
For example, the metric SLOC is translated using this line in a .properties file:
SLOC.DESCR=The number of source line of codes
If we need the description of SLOC to be different for artefact of type CPP_FUNCTION and APPLICATION, we can use a more advanced definition:
M.SLOC.DESCR.APPLICATION=The number of source line of codes in the application
M.SLOC.DESCR.CPP_FUNCTION=The number of source line of codes in the function
Descriptions syntax
The convention for this syntax is as follows:
PREFIX is a prefix used to indicate which type of object the localised text applies to. If no prefix is specified, then the localised text is used for all objects in the model with this identifier. The supported values for PREFIX are:
M for measures
I for indicators
C for charts
DASH for dashboards
EX for exports
FA for families
FI for findings
FORM for form.xml file content
G for groups
GOAL for goals
HI for highlights
INFO_VALUE for information values
ENUM_VALUE for enumeration values
LOP for scale levels (levels of performance)
MIL for milestones
MO for models
NOTIFICATION for notifications
OPT for
widget items -
PERM for permissions
RO for both global and project roles
RE for reports
SC for scales
ST for action items and findings statuses
T for artefact types
TA for tables (with optional #IN and #OUT suffixes to localise inbound and outbound links tables independently: TA.MY_TABLE#IN / TA_MYTABLE#OUT)
TAG for project attributes in forms and wizards
TAG_GROUP for groups of project attributes in forms and wizards
TEMPLATE for notifications content body template
TST for action item tests
WI for wizards
IDENTIFIER is the ID of the object as described in the model.
PROPERTY is the property being set. It is one of:
MNEMO to specify a mnemonic, i.e. a short representation of the object that is used where space needs to be preserved. Note that if no mnemonic is specified, the raw identifier will be used instead in the UI.
NAME to specify a name, i.e. the common, human-understandable representation of an object.
DESCR to specify a description for the object.
JUSTIF to specify a justification for a rule. This is displayed in the Findings pane and allows you to provide more details about why a rule is used.
URL to specify a URL associated with the object. This URL is displayed below the description of a rule on the Findings tab, or in any popup that shows the full description of a measure or indicator on the Dashboard. This URL is clickable and opens in a new browser window. This is usually useful if you want to link to the definition of a coding standard outside of Squore.
ICON to specify an icon for a scale level (LOP), a trend icon in the artefact tree (EVO) or a group icon (G) in the project portfolios.
IMAGE to specify an image for a scale level (LOP) when displayed as a KPI on the dashboard.
COLOR to specify the colour to represent a metric (M, I), a scale level (LOP) or a milestone (MIL) on a chart or a popup describing a scale. For more information about the supported colour formats, consult Working With Colours.
NODATA to specify a text to be displayed in a chart © on the dashboard when no data can be displayed on the chart.
TREE_NAME to specify a name for a chart © that is used in the Dashboard Editor’s tree of charts.
ARTEFACT_TYPE is used to restrict the scope of the property to the specified type of artefact. If no ARTEFACT_TYPE is specified, then the property applies for all artefact types.
For chart and e-mail notifications only, it is possible to retrieve model entities values and include them in the description by using the syntax: ${<computation>}.
Where <computation> follows the documented Expressions Syntax, and is used as follows:
C.IDENTIFIER.DESCR=Your description includes [...] lines count: ${LC} in current artefact ${ARTEFACT_NAME()}
Usual set of properties for a measure or an indicator:
STATUS.MNEMO=Status STATUS.NAME=Requirement Status STATUS.DESCR=Status (draft or final)
Usual set of properties for a rule to display in the Findings tab:
R_NOGOTO.MNEMO=NOGOTO R_NOGOTO.NAME=No GOTO R_NOGOTO.DESCR=A unconditional GOTO shall not be used to jump outside the paragraph. R_NOGOTO.JUSTIF=GOTO statements should be avoided because they complicated the task of analyzing and verifying the correctness of programs (particularly those involving loops). R_NOGOTO.URL=
Usual set of properties for a scale:
SC.STATUS.NAME=Requirement Readiness Assessment LOP.UNKNOWN.MNEMO=Unknown LOP.UNKNOWN.NAME=Unknown LOP.UNKNOWN.DESCR=Unknown LOP.UNKNOWN.IMAGE=../Shared/Images/images/questionmark.png LOP.UNKNOWN.ICON=../Shared/Images/icons/questionmark.png LOP.UNKNOWN.COLOR=#C11B17 LOP.DRAFT.MNEMO=Draft LOP.DRAFT.NAME=Draft LOP.DRAFT.DESCR=Draft LOP.DRAFT.IMAGE=../Shared/Images/icons/wip.png LOP.DRAFT.ICON=../Shared/Images/icons/wip.png LOP.DRAFT.COLOR=#FFDB58 LOP.FINAL.MNEMO=Final LOP.FINAL.NAME=Final LOP.FINAL.DESCR=Final LOP.FINAL.IMAGE=../Shared/Images/icons/final.png LOP.FINAL.ICON=../Shared/Images/icons/final.png LOP.FINAL.COLOR=#41A317
The path to an image or icon file is relative to the root of the folder containing the model.
Using a different description for a metric when using it on the Action Items tab with the TST prefix:
OVERPERFORMANCE.MNEMO=Over-Performance OVERPERFORMANCE.NAME=Over-Performance OVERPERFORMANCE.DESCR=You are over-performing at this time. TST.OVERPERFORMANCE.DESCR=Your current progress of {2}% is exceeding your objective for the next milestone by over 20% ({0}% in {1} days). /Either you are pretty good, or you underestimated yourself when setting your goals. Consider revising your objectives.
In the example above, / is used to indicate a new line in the description.
are parameters that are dynamically filled in when viewing the action item. For more information, consult Trigger-Based Action Plans. -
Overriding a name and description for a specific type of artefact:
Squore resolves properties from the more specific to the more abstract, as shown below:
Note that aliases are not supported, only real artefact types. If you want to specify a description for functions in all languages, you have to add a line for each of the function types: CPP_FUNCTION, C_FUNCTION, ADA_FUNCTION…
Setting a chart’s name and description
C.PERFORMANCE_TREND.NAME=Performane Trend C.PERFORMANCE_TREND.DESCR=<h1>Reading the Performance Trend Chart</h1><p>This chart shows a history of the performance trend for our application, as recorded nightly by our performance tests.</p><p>If you see any variation, you should perform the following three checks</p><ol><li>Is it a false positive, See if an error was reported in Jenkins</li><li>Check the machine logs for an explanation</li><li>Has someone already reported a bug? If not, <b>please do!</b></li></ol>
You can use the following HTML tags in descriptions for charts, measures and indicators h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, span, div, br, i, b, u, a, pre, hr, ul, ol, li
Overriding default descriptions
Here are the locations of the default types, permissions, roles, and statuses:
Types: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Analysis/Code/Types/
Permissions: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/
Roles: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/
Statuses: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/
You are free to override or extend these defaults in your own .properties file in your model.
In order to set an icon for a type, create an image called identifier.png or identifier.svg (the identifier must be lowercase) in your configuration under models/Shared/Images/icons/types. |