Analysis Models
Analysis Models define how metrics data is computed and aggregated. You can browse and analyse models through the Models > Viewer menu in the Squore web interface.
Analysis Models define building blocks organised in a hierarchical structure. The following blocks can be used:
Artefact Types define the types of artefacts that can be created in the Artefact Tree.
Measure elements define the metrics, both base and derived, that are used and computed in the analysis model.
Rule elements are similar to measures, except they represent a trigger: the rule is either respected or violated. They are associated to practices, and the number of violations for a single rule shows how the practice is applied in the development process.
Scale and ScaleLevel elements define how the measures are expressed (units, ranges).
Indicator elements associate a measure with a scale. They provide a human-readable format for the measures expressed.
Constant elements define fixed values used in computations.
Blocks can refer to each others, for example computations use measures and rules. The syntax used for computations is documented in Expressions Syntax.