Installation and Upgrade
Squore Agent is a package that must be downloaded on every client computer that needs to perform local code analyses or trigger a remote analysis on Squore Server.
There are usually two ways to contemplate the deployment of Squore Agent:
As a way to analyze code and process data on a client machine and send the results to the server.
As a way to instruct the server to execute an analysis of code and other input data.
Once downloaded, you are ready to create projects and trigger analyses on any Squore Server available from your client, see the Usage section to know more about triggering analyses, remote or local.
Do not forget to have a look at the following section to know more about the necessary prerequisites, where to download Squore Agent and such.
The absolute minimum necessary to run Squore Agent successfully is:
One of the Supported Operating Systems (same as Squore Server’s list).
A Java Runtime Environment version 17 (64-bit) (Java 11 is still supported, any other versions are not.)
Then, in case you plan to use Squore Agent as a way to analyze code and process data on the client machine, then additional packages will be required. Requirements will be the same as for a Squore Server. See the Squore Server prerequisites section to get the list of required and optional packages depending on your operating system: Installation Prerequisites
If your client is on Windows and the targeted Squore Server is on Linux, follow the instructions from Defining server dependencies section to retrieve Perl and TCL binaries. |
To download Squore Agent, on Squore Server, go in the Help menu, in the top right corner and click Download Squore Agent:
![CLI download cli](_images/CLI_download_cli.png)
There is no need to upgrade Squore Agent. A check is performed every time a project analysis is launched and the new binaries are downloaded automatically if necessary.
Squore CLI installations before Squore 21, cannot be upgraded by using the Squore Agent. Neither will they be compatible with Squore 21 and up, moving forward only the Squore Agent must be used. |