API Client Libraries
Generating an API client library can help you build an environment allowing you to ease development and maintenance of API scripts.
Using the OpenAPI Generator framework, Squore allows you to generate an API client library in any of the supported languages (over 50). Allowing you to use Squore REST API in your preferred programming language.
To install and get started with OpenAPI Generator, have a look at the framework documentation.
Once installed, you can generate the Squore API client library by executing the following command:
java -jar openapi-generator-cli-6.2.0.jar generate -i http://localhost:8180/api/openapi.json -g java -o generated-cli-java
java -jar openapi-generator-cli-6.2.0.jar generate -i http://localhost:8180/api/openapi.json -g python -o generated-cli-python
Once the API client has been generated, follow the instructions in the generated README.md file to get started.