Wizards provide the entry point for Squore users to create/edit projects and meta-projects. A model can have one or more wizards, which are defined in a Bundle.xml file located in the Wizards folder of this model.
In the GUI, a wizard consists of the following four screens:
General Information to define project information and manually define/overload metrics via forms.
Data Providers to select/configure Data Providers and Repository Connectors. Or select projects in case of a meta-project creation.
Rules Edition to configure the quality rules enabled in the analysis ruleset.
Confirmation to review the project analysis setup and run the analysis.
The Data Providers screen is shown or hidden depending on the ability of each Data Provider selected originally to accept new settings. When nothing can be changed, the screen is skipped completely. |
An example of a Bundle.xml file offering one standard wizard and one meta-project wizard to users is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- attributes common to every wizard in this bundle -->
<tag type="numericValue" name="Project Business Value" measureId="BV" suffix = "FP" defaultValue="0" />
<wizard wizardId="STD_PROJ" versionPattern="V#N1#" autoBaseline="false" users="demo;admin" groups="users" img="wizardicon.png">
<!-- attributes specific to this wizard -->
<tag type="numericValue" name="Project Cost" measureId="COST" suffix = "M/M" defaultValue="0" />
<repositories all="true" hide="false">
<repository name="FROMPATH" checkedInUi="true">
<param name="path" value="/media/sources/" />
<tools show="ALL">
<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false">
<param name="languages" value="cpp:.c,.C,.h,.H;java:.java;csharp:.cs;" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp" />
<tool name="CPPCheck" optional="true" checkedInUI="true" projectStatusOnFailure="warning" />
<wizard wizardId="STD_META_PROJECTS" projectsSelection="true" />