Test Strategy
The Test Strategy intends to help development team increase the reliability confidence of their software project. It is more and more difficult carry out exhaustive testing activities, as the size and complexity of the code grow. With the Test Strategy you can:
Reduce the scope of the code which needs to be tested
Define code coverage expectations for those component which need to be tested
As a result, Squore provides the Code Coverage Compliance KPI which represents the ratio of components which comply with this Test Strategy.
To Be Tested
Squore applies an algorithm to include/exclude modules which should be integrated in the Test Strategy. Parameters are:
Cyclomatic Complexity (VG)
Nesting Level (LEVL)
Number of non-cyclic paths (NPAT)
Vocabulary Frequency (VOCF)
Code Stability Index (SI)
Using these parameters, the most complex and unstable code are identified. Increasing the test on this code will increase reliability and reduce the risk of delivery. Consequences:
Modules which are not part of the "to be tested" list will be "ignored" in the Code Coverage Compliance KPI
Modules which shall be tested will be evaluated according their coverage (Statement, Branch and MCDC) with regard to their safety level (ASIL, SIL …)
How to Address the Test Strategy with Squore
How to Set Up the Parameters
Parameters are available at project creation time. The "To be tested" list parameters are available in the "Test Strategy" section.
Each of the ‘TO BE TESTED’ parameters can be disabled (by setting the value ‘-1’)
It is possible to disable the impact of test strategy on the Code Coverage Compliance KPI. "Code Coverage thresholds" are available in the "Test Coverage Thresholds" section.
Note: it is possible to disable a dedicated type of coverage (Statement and/or Branch and/or MCDC). For instance if the team just wants to assess the statement coverage only, Branch and MCDC can be disabled.
How to Set Up the Safety Level
Squore allows defining the safety level, i.e. critical factor, for every component in the project.
Using the GUI
Select an artefact
Open the Form tab
Define the critical factor
The critical factor will spread to all "children artefacts" (i.e. all modules will automatically inherit the value of the file). In addition, it is possible to overload an inherited value.
Using Text/Csv File Import
It is possible to provide a csv file during the project creation which contains the Critical Factor information. Create a csv file as follows (1=level A, 2=level B, 3=Level C, 4=level D):
Feed this file to the "csv tag import" Data Provider:
The Code Coverage Compliance Treemap
The treemap highlights components according to:
Their code size (=size of the treemap zone)
Their code coverage compliance (=color of the treemap zone)
Grey zone means the module is excluded from the Test Strategy
The color code indicates how well the component is tested with regard to expectations defined in the "Test Coverage Thresholds" form
Note: Safety level is implicitly taken into account in this evaluation. Whatever the safety level is, Squore highlights the distance to the coverage objectives.